Maaham Ahmad, South Wimbledon

            This past year has come with great difficulties and challenges for us all. Like everyone else, I have spent this time staying home trying to keep myself and those around me safe. Also like most people around the world, I have been even more tuned in to the television and social media looking for news of there being some hope of this situation taking a turn for the better. During this time, mixed in with reports of continuously rising and falling numbers and safety advice, I have seen so much else that has left me asking what it is that the world needs in order to achieve the level of peace and justice necessary for a perfect society? Recent incidents including the widely circulated clip of George Floyd in his final moments and the terrible news of  the beheading of a teacher, Samuel Paty, caused me to reflect on the concept of justice and equality as ‘exemplified by the Holy Prophet  (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) of Islam / taught in Islam’. While it seemed that in our current society these ideas did not hold any importance, Islam established these teachings many centuries ago.

            The message of Islam, as spread by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) preached for mankind to come together and live in harmony. Regardless of a person’s race, creed, or religious beliefs, the Holy Qur’an stresses that interactions between all people, tribes, and nations should be approached with peace: “Verily, Allah requires you to abide by justice, and to treat with grace, and give like the giving of kin to kin; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.” (16:91) Through these teachings, man was taught ways to honour the rights of God and the rights of mankind, which had either been forgotten by those who had believed in the earlier Prophets, or commandments of this excellence had not been revealed before. Now, if only the leaders of the world were to take these teachings and apply them to the way they run their countries and treated their citizens, there may be no need for people to take to the streets to beg for their basic human rights.

Usually, when I hear about incidents such as the attack in France, where a gruesome crime is committed supposedly to preserve the sanctity of Islam, one verse from the Holy Qur’an always comes to mind: “For you your religion, and for me my religion.” (109:7) To me, this verse exemplifies the approach Islam has to the acceptance and tolerance of other beliefs. As Ahmadi Muslims, we know that our faith requires us to reach out to mankind and offer them the same love and support, regardless of any differences we may have. The perfect model of the acceptance of all mankind as taught by Islam was the Holy Prophet ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.) Despite having faced so much adversity from his opponents, he was always quick to forgive and pray for even his worst enemies and never retaliated with violence or cruelty to the stones and curses that were hurled his way. So what was the justification for violence against those who published a caricature of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him?) That same Prophet, who once went out of his way to inquire about the health of a Jewish woman who would throw garbage at him whenever he went past her house, would have condemned the brutal reactions of some in the Muslim world in response to the incidents in France.

If we are dedicated to spreading Islam to the world and proving that it’s teachings are exactly what the world is missing, we must spread it by the example of our beloved Prophet ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.)  As true Muslims, we must never respond to hatred with more hatred or violence with more violence. As His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad has said, “..our message is of love, affection and unity. We have been taught to reply to abusive and hurtful language with prayers. And in response to the persecution and grief we face, we give only love, peace and comfort to the world. This is our teaching and this is our faith.”.These are the true teachings of Islam, that seek to spread unity instead of hate between all people, and we must strive to become living examples of true Islam. Through our prayers and interactions with our brothers and sisters in humanity, we can make it so that this is the message being spread around the world; the message of peace and unity for all.

1 Comment on “Islam: A Solution to the World’s Unrest

  1. MashaAllah very nice article, it truly highlights the noble and peaceful teachings of Islam and our Beloved Prophet s.a.w.


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