Category: The Economy

Justice in the Digital Economy

Basima Ahmad, Southfields, London Now more than ever it has become apparent how much we rely on the internet to navigate smoothly through our current society. During this pandemic so many aspects of our lives have been moved online: education, jobs, applications, and even social interactions have all had to make their way into a digital space, even more so than before. However, it … Read More Justice in the Digital Economy

How COVID-19 Revealed the False Pillars of our Economy –

Amtul Kafi Yadullah Bhunnoo, London Due to COVID-19, the global economy has plummeted far worse than it did in the Great Depression [1]. However, this pandemic has only brought out the false pillars of the economy that it was standing on. Why have banks lowered the interest rate to nearly 0% in order to help businesses?[2] Why were clothing shops, hair and beauty salons, … Read More How COVID-19 Revealed the False Pillars of our Economy –

But the Economy?

Iffat Mirza, Raynes Park A question that we continue to hear in every debate, every newscast, every conversation regarding the lockdown. One cannot deny the fact that we live in a world that has made us all dependent on money. The novel coronavirus, for all of us, has put a pause on the normalcy of our lives. Whilst we are eager to return to … Read More But the Economy?