Sameea blog on coronavirus

Sameea Jonnud, Aldershot

The Coronavirus situation in which we find ourselves is unprecedented in both its effect on our lives and its universality, thus setting it apart from other incidents that have affected the world, such as war and disease. While the threat of Swine Flu, Ebola, MERS or SARS did cause worry in many parts of the world, Covid-19 and the devastating effects it is having, has changed our lives; it affects not only friends and family in this country, but those elsewhere, shown by the fact that conversations are often based on what is happening and how we are coping.

As members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, we are fortunate to have the guidance of His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) who has been giving advice regularly as the situation progressed, from general cleanliness and hygiene, to nutrition so we can boost our immune systems and fight any illness. Above all he has reminded us to pray to our Creator:

“Through prayers, we can attract the grace of Allah the Almighty and better our spiritual and physical wellbeing. This is what the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) continuously advised us toward and even in such conditions, told us that the most important thing is to seek forgiveness from God Almighty, cleanse our hearts and engage in good works.” (1)

During these early, unknown days of the pandemic, hearing the words of His Holiness has been reassuring, and his suggestion we busy ourselves in good deeds, has spurred us on even more to think of others. In the wider world, despite the scale being enormous, the response to the pandemic has been positive, with healthcare workers on extra shifts and local Covid-19 Response groups being organised and launched.

One of the first visible effects of the virus around Britain, and many other parts of the world, was panic, as seen in empty shelves of toilet rolls; now, following the partial lockdown, there are proclamations of boredom being made on social media. However it has been noticeable that members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have other priorities; as soon as news reports began showing the effects of the virus in China people began to pray to God. Prayer is always foremost in any situation as we turn to God to help not only us but others who are suffering. Within the Community, messages were promptly sent to all individuals and families, with advice and offers of assistance which have continued as the effects of the virus and efforts to control it have progressed.

Thus after four weeks of lockdown, there have been many noticeable actions taken by members of the Community. One of the first was an effort by the Women’s auxiliary, Lajna Ima’illah, to collect food and essential toiletries for local food banks all over the country. The panicked stocking up of food and essentials actually led to much depleted donations; after all, people were finding it difficult to shop for themselves, let alone remember the food bank. It was heartening to see the immediate response from women across the country as they made parcels and delivered them to help those in need in their local communities. At the same time, Lajna members were encouraged to send notes to their neighbours, especially the elderly and vulnerable, offering assistance if they needed it.

As schools were closed down two weeks before the end of term, many Lajna teachers volunteered to join a team holding online classes in different subjects from Primary age to GCSE and beyond. It was astonishing to see how quickly this was organised and classes begun. Another volunteer army joined by many Lajna members in a personal capacity, was that requested by the Government to help out the overstretched NHS.

What else have Lajna members been doing in these early weeks of the pandemic? Many are key workers and have continued working in different jobs, for example the medical profession or as teachers looking after the children of other key workers. Others, who are home with their families, have become gardeners, planting vegetables, or are cooking new and nutritious recipes they may not have previously tried. The girls auxiliary, Nasiratul Ahmadiyya, as well as continuing with their school and spiritual lessons, has been making colourful rainbow pictures to show their support for the NHS. Despite keeping themselves busy, lots of Lajna have been looking out for their friends, shopping for those that are isolating, and cooking for those that have been unwell. Alongside this they have been praying to God for good health for themselves and others as well as encouraging their families, by teaching them special prayers for situations like the one in which we find ourselves.

Through all of this every Lajna member is regularly asked if they are well and whether they need help in any way. It has been comforting to receive supportive messages from the President of Lajna Ima’illah, praying for us and reminding us to have faith and keep our spirits high, to be grateful to God, and pray for all those affected.

So, despite the lockdown with whole families isolating, it is evident that, similar to members of the other auxiliaries of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, and many British people in general, Lajna Ima’illah members have been hard at work looking after their families and friends, helping their local communities, and will, God willing, navigate their way to come through this as stronger people.


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